

Latest News: Tuesday, 1 August 2023
Welcome to Mingara Regional Athletics Club

Athletics for both Seniors and Juniors (Little Athletics)

Our 2024-2025 Season is now underway.

Please see below link to register.

Welcome! – Mingara Regional Athletics Club Inc. – revolutioniseSPORT

Our first competition night was Friday, 18th October.
Friday night comps will run through to March 2025 with a short break over Christmas.
This season is set to be our biggest and best season yet!
We warmly invite you to join us as a member of our committee.
Essentially you will be part of the engine of the club!
Tasks include:
🟢 Setting up and packing down of our Friday night competitions
🟢 Assisting with the smooth running of our Friday night competitions
🟢 Ensuring we have the correct and operational equipment for the competitions
🟢 Be part of the decision-making process for the future of our club
🟢 Share and implement great ideas for improvements within the club
🟢 Attend committee meetings. These occur approx every 2 months and can be done via Zoom.
🟢 Organisation of presentation nights, awards, and communications with parents / age managers.
There are also more specific roles available such as:
🟡 Time keeping
🟡 Race starters
🟡Championships officer
🟡Record keeper
We understand that some people can give a
little and others can give a lot and we are appreciative of it all.

A gentle reminder that all of our committee members are volunteers and have our club and athletes’ best interest in mind.

If you would like to join our committee, you would be very welcome. Please reach out to one of us and we’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have.

We are always in need of help setting up and packing down each Friday as not all committee members can attend every week.

Seniors, please check the ANSW link for upcoming Competition –> Events | Athletics NSW (nswathletics.org.au)


Open Race nights are the first Tuesday of each month (weather pending) and a cost of $2.00 club fee + track entry. All welcome.

Further details and race night results on the below Facebook page.


Please also download the Team APP https://www.teamapp.com/ and search for “Mingara Regional Athletics” for season updates








Club Uniforms

Below is an image of our club uniforms which are available for purchase.

The white singlet with the coloured “M” slash may also display the previous Mingara Club Pelican logo.

There are also crop tops available.

These can be worn with black shorts.



Below is an image of how to display your Little Athletics Age Patch, Registration Number and Coles Patch



Race Night Sponsor